quarta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2017

The Tower Must Fall - review


Today I bring you my review of The Tower Must Fall lovely sent by Curiosity Quills  !

In The Tower Must Fall  are presented to us the Cryptids, creatures that go bump in the night that live in hiding, and their predators - the Animus who try to eliminate Cryptids at any cost.

Marek Tobar, a handsome and clumsy traveller, dreams of independence and uprising. 

When he meet Enyo, a reformed knight of the Animus with many faces and no allegiance but to herself, his life changes completely and his great journey begins.

I confess that when I started this book I had high expectations. It was very hard for me to get into this story. I do not know if it was me who was not in the mood or the story that was not engaging me. Maybe it was both.
I believe that I only got interested in the book when I was on half of it.

However, I found the premise very interesting and original. I also liked the reference to fairy-tales, I think it made the book richer and more interesting. 
I should also mention the romance that, even though is not the main subject of the book, was well developed and worked. The author managed to make me ship a couple that I though was strange together and I did not shipped at first. And that, my dears, is difficult.

 My rating for this book is 4,2 out of 5.

Btw, you should go to the site of the publisher, the covers are gorgeous and the books seem amazing!!  Have fun!!: https://curiosityquills.com/  

With love,
Banal Girl

3 comentários:

  1. Hey :)
    A capa é linda e o detalhe da rosa foi perfeito!
    Já me aconteceu uma vez com um livro, comecei a lê-lo e cheguei até a deixá-lo em stand-by, pois não estava a conseguir entrar na história. No dia que decidi voltar a ler, terminei o livro e acabou por ser um dos meus preferidos.

  2. A capa é, de facto, linda. Às vezes, a história não nos cativa no início mas, com o desenrolar da mesma, acabamos por nos embrenhar nela.
